Saturday, November 4, 2017

Autumn/Winter Trends 2017

Autumn and Winter are fast approaching, for some it's already here (i.e. Winterpeg). Autumn is one of the four seasons that I thoroughly enjoy because of all the various colours, the layering, and the accessories worn; Winter not so much. However, both seasons - to me - are the most vibrant seasons and most decorative when it comes to fashion. Working in a retail environment presents various pieces of clothing that can easily be combined and worn for any occasion, such as Christmas and/or New Years. When it comes to men's clothing it can be a bit tricky. Men have a certain taste when it comes to clothing. Some may think that colour can be a bit much and other men may want just a good plain top that can go with a pair of denim or slacks - which is fine. Perhaps with 2017 it's time to venture out of the blacks, whites and greys; expand your pant choices and make a bolder statement with what you're wearing this year. Here are a few trends that you can incorporate into your wardrobe for the coming Christmas and New Years.

Moss Green
I know what you're thinking, "what's moss green?", well let me tell you. Moss green is a type of green that is in-between dark and light. There are greens that present as being loud and vibrant or soft and dull. Moss green however, provides an earthy feel and tone to what you're wearing, creating a subtle and rich look. Most clothes that are moss green are utility jackets, knitted sweaters and sometimes khakis. This type of green would definitely allow you to slowly venture yourself into having more colour in your wardrobe.

Textile Fabrics
You might have seen the different types of fabrics that came out for autumn and winter. Some fabrics are noticeable than others. One being velvet. A lot of people wouldn't dare venture into getting into an item that has velvet. I say give it a try before you say no. It is an acquired taste of fashion, but if you want to make a statement at that Christmas party coming next month velvet is a way to go. However, I don't advise going to a party in an all velvet suit. A velvet blazer would do or any velvet accessory (i.e. a necktie/bowtie) would do also.
Another textile fabric that you can wear would be Herringbone and/or corduroy. When it comes to herringbone it is a bit rough, however there are some items that are softer. In comparison to herringbone there's always the classic corduroy. Now with corduroy we automatically assume the thick railed vertical lines on a pair of pants or a full on corduroy suit that came from the 70s which is fine. However, corduroy this season and year are smaller and thinner creating a more softer aesthetic when presented in front of you.

Now, something that not a lot of people would dare to venture into is having oversized clothing. I'll admit that I wouldn't want to have oversized clothing because it reminds me of my past but I would give it a try. A note when trying oversized clothes is go a size up from what you typically wear - if you're a small wear try a medium, if you're a medium try a large. Typically you want to make sure that you look well dressed and not looking like you're swimming in your own clothing that you thought you were on trend. A size up wouldn't hurt and to be honest, when you do wear oversized clothes they would be more of outerwear (jackets, blazers, peacoats, etc.), sweaters (turtlenecks, cardigans, knit sweaters) and/or pants (plead khakis, joggers).

These are just a few of the trends that I wanted to present for this years 2017 autumn/winter trends. There are other trends that I would have blogged about but, I believe that these were the top three on my list that can be easily worn for autumn/winter and to your next Christmas and/or New years party.
(2016 autumn/fall)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Journey that Never Ends

Everyone accomplishes goals everyday throughout their life. Goals can be short or long term, depending on the individual's goal. About a year and a half ago, I announced competing in a MABBA (Manitoba Amateur Body Building Association) physique competition. However, I didn’t compete and failed to accomplish the goal that I had set - having amazing physique and being an amateur body builder. although I hadn’t accomplish having amazing physique nor being an amateur body builder, I was able to accomplish some of the goal.

Some may say, “but you didn’t compete” or “you’re still the same from when you started…fat” however, I made an effort to try and accomplish the goal even if I haven’t reached it. I did want to achieve it and prove to myself that I was able to accomplish the goal, but things got in the way and I was set back a couple of times to a point that I wasn’t able to stay on top of working out, dieting and keeping track of my macros. Though I was set back I continue to workout, try to keep track of my macros and incorporate cardio to lose a few pounds. It is definitely a lifestyle and I think that I the lifestyle has stuck with me regardless of not being able to have amazing physique or an amateur body builder. On the other hand, my journey continues to move forward making changes and challenges in my life.

As most know, I currently work for the Gap. There was a moment - between July to mid-Augusut 2016 - where I worked for a car dealership. I was literally going into the car industry blind, not knowing anything about cars, not knowing how to sell cars, besides having the experience I carried over from working in retail however, I wasn’t fully prepared to be in the industry. The industry wasn’t for me and I had to do something. I wasn’t happy with working there - having to sit at your desk for hours on end - as well as I didn’t like the environment. I ended up leaving the industry and went back to working for the Gap. The Gap has taugh me a lot about the industry as well as the capabilities to work in the industry; how to sell better, putting up visuals (i.e. mannequins), as well as marketing that goes up. All of these made me realize what I want to do with my life, which was be in the fashion industry, specifically as a merchandiser.

I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I am willing to learn whatever it takes to get there. It will be rough as well as this journey will have a lot of hardships however it will be all worth it. So, as for my blogs I will be blogging not only my journey towards my career goal but this will also express my interest of the fashion industry such as trends, ins and outs, and anything that would peak my interests related to fashion.

Friday, May 6, 2016

A Journey to Remember - Update

It’s official, I am graduating from university…FINALLY! It’s been such a long road, but it was worth it. Lately I have been putting off blogging because I have been actively looking for a job that is within my field. I have applied within the city, outside the city, nationwide and overseas. One thing for sure is I am applying at various gym facilities so that I am able to kick start my long term goal of becoming a fitness trainer.

I have been thinking about my training and diet recently, and I see other guys and girls lifting, pushing, pulling and working up a sweat and getting what they want - physically - and I compare myself to them and seeing how hard I train. I can honestly say that I put effort into my training, but I I need to push harder as well as I don’t put as much effort into my diet. I know I have to bulk up however, I want to do it the right way. Some suggest dirty bulking, which is pretty much eating anything from fast food to buffets to home cooked meals. What I would like to do is more so bulk up and enjoy food. Needless to say, I have to make sure that I’m eating properly and making sure that I actually bulk up at the same time build up strength.

Training has been pretty good, if you asked me. With exams done, I’m able to schedule twice-a-day workouts; once in the morning and once in the evening, if I’m not scheduled to work in the evenings. This week I started working out twice a day and I have to say it's tough especially waking up early and working out. But once I’m at the gym I get pumped to start working out. Now, I have done some research to make sure that I don’t burnout from working out twice a day. An article from advised to workout twice a day for two weeks then workout once a day the follow week, which is understandable. Reading the article was helpful because I would've worked out twice a day everyday to a point that I could possibly burnout. I think it's important to let your body recover from intense workouts in order for your muscles repair from the wear and tares.

Reflecting upon training, dieting as well as my life has made me realize that nothing can’t be achieved.  There may be some obstacles that may come their way but, the obstacles can always be conquered and be one step closer to your goal. For myself, being able to graduate from a university is a short term goal. I still have goals where I can use what I’ve learned in university and apply it in the work force. Also with bodybuilding regardless it being leisure, I am still continuing to build and prep for the competition and becoming a fitness trainer in the near future. There are many options and opportunities to grow for each person. One thing for sure is do it for the right reasons by making the right choices that come your way.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Journey to Remember - The Past Couple of Weeks

Recently I have been pre-occupied with school. Being in my last year of University, studying has been one of my top priorities on my to do list. However, I know that I should have balanced my time properly rather than just focus most of my time studying, but with me graduating - hopefully - this year it’s better to have focused my time on school work. I did put in some time training within the past couple of weeks in-between studying as a break. Personally, it is important to take some time for yourself especially when you feel pressured, stressed or overwhelmed with what you are doing.

I am still working hard and pushing myself to become a bodybuilder and compete in MABBA Men’s Physique in October. Unfortunately I had to make a tough decision of dropping my coach due to personal reasons. I was fortunate enough to be able to have a coach to guide me if I had any questions or concerns about eating and/or training and I’m sure once things turn back around I would sign up with my coach again; possibly closer to competition time. During the couple of months of training I have seen a slight difference in definition. If compare myself from 2010 to now, you can see a big difference. If you would like to see that picture and read the blog please click here.

The workouts that I have been doing throughout this journey of mine have been tough as well as it has been pushing me to do better than performed previously. A workout that I constantly struggle with is doing pull-ups. Now just to make things clear, I am not talking about the pull-up diapers for toddlers or for the adults, I am talking about pull-ups or formally called chin-ups. Before starting my journey I use to hate doing pull-ups. I felt heavy (which I was) and I wasn’t able to pull myself up. Now I enjoy doing them, not only because I have to, but rather I want to be able to succeed in doing chin-ups consistently in a row. Probably last week or a few weeks ago I was able to do 10 pull-ups consistently without a break in-between or assistance (yes I use the assisted pull-up station). Having that sense of accomplishment and fulfilling doing chin-ups/pull-ups was gratifying to be able to do them.

(from 2010-top left; to present-bottom right)
Another workout that I continually struggle with is the bench press. For those who aren’t familiar with what a bench press is, it’s a workout that involves a flat bench (or incline/decline bench) with a barbell, which weighs at approximately around 40-45lbs. The point of the bench press is that it targets your chest by gripping the bar just at or further than shoulder width apart and lowering the bar towards your chest then pushing it up back to the starting position then repeating for a certain amount of reps. Starting out I bench pressed 40lbs, consisting of two 10lbs weight plates on each side of the bar. Afterwards I increased the weight each time by 5lbs. Currently I am able to do 100lbs, which consists a 45lbs and 5lbs weight plates on each side plus the bar. However, on my last set I failed to finish the set almost hurting myself. I was a bit embarrassed and felt like I want to give, but I didn’t. I still went to workout the following day starting with an incline bench press.

Although from trying to workout for years and not be able to loss weight to where I am currently is a big accomplishment for myself. I thought I wouldn’t be able to lose weight and become fit. I thought I would be unhealthy thinking that I am average or ‘fit’ when in reality I’m not. I still have a lot of gaining and training to do before being able to compete for the MABBA Men’s physique competition, but I know that I won’t stop in getting to where I want to be just like how you shouldn’t stop to where you want to be and what you want to become. It will take a lot of work, patience and time because nothing comes easy. If you want it, go for it because it may be the only opportunity for you to start achieving your goals.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Journey to Remember - Week 4

Fourth week in since I started this journey. I find it interesting how much I have learnt about my body. I’m still learning and finding things about my body that I find quite interesting in terms of bodybuilding (if you thought otherwise you’re sick…lol). However, week four wasn’t the greatest out of the other weeks.

The beginning of week 4 started out pretty well. I was able to train and somewhat stay in my macros. However, I started to feel sick and weak as the week progressed. At first I neglected the thought of becoming sick because in my mind I’ll just sweat it out while I’m working out - not quite. I did sweat during my workouts, but it wasn’t enough. It's as if my body knew that the Easter long weekend was approaching and that my body’s cue was to go on rest mode, which it did. I ended up catching the flu to a point where I started talking I would end up coughing up a lung until somewhat losing my voice. My temperature had gone up and down during the day and into the evening where it did affected my sleep and of course prevented me from working out for 4 days. Now you probably think that it isn’t so bad missing 4 days, which can be easily be made up once I’m fully rested. True, but it did have an affect my strength preventing me to workout effectively.

During the time I wasn’t feeling well all I could do was rest; eat and sleep, eat and sleep and taking flu medicine to help recover. It sucked. When I started to feel a bit better where I was able to workout again (which was yesterday March 28) I noticed how weak I became. Yesterday’s workout end up being a push day. The workouts usually consist of incline bench presses, flat bench presses, shoulder presses, etc. However, when I started to workout I wasn’t able to preform effectively as I did before catching the flu. An example would be the incline bench presses. Before I got sick I was able to bench 75lbs plus the bar, which would be 45lbs, making it a total of 120lbs. Yesterday I was only able to do a total of 105lbs.
I wasn’t that surprised but it was still a shocker. I also noticed the amount of weight I had lost. From being 157lbs or 158lbs I went down to 154lbs. Again, all because I got sick. Regardless of the lack of strength and the amount of weight I lost I still put in the time and effort into working out and thrive to build back my strength and weight back up. Also, any time put into working out regardless of how you perform it will still count as a workout so keep it up, you can do it just be patient and persistent don't give up.

I think after being sick I learned from week four the importance of keeping healthy. Yes, I know, it is easier said than done only because I had failed to keep being healthy resulting me catching a cold. I lacked sleep, kept up with eating but not within my macro count as well as lacked working out due to having caught the flu. I believe that I did blog about rest and the importance of resting, which I do realize now how much I do lack a lot. I can make an excuse that school gets in the way because I have to study for tests or I have papers to finish the next day but, it doesn't resolve the fact that I still do not properly rest. It’s also obvious though that sometimes it is hard to avoid catching the flu especially when exposed to others who are just getting over the flu themselves. Hence why it is important to take care of yourselves by ensuring you eat properly, have plenty of rest as well as exercise from time to time and you’ll see the difference in the long run. Don't quote me saying that you won't get sick if you follow what I say because there is a chance of still catching a cold or flu. Just make sure you take care of yourselves so you can prevent possibilities of catching a cold or flu and you’ll see your strength and energy being maintained enabling you to get through your day, which we can do together along the way. Let’s do this!! Remember “Keep Fit and Have Fun!!” (quote from BodyBreak)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Journey to Remember - Week 3

Week 3 went well. Despite having papers, a final and the lack of sleep during the week I would have to say it went alright. What I do want to blog about is about resting because I still have a fair bit of trouble making sure I have the right amount of sleep, especially now that I’m bodybuilding.

During the week it was some what difficult to have the right amount of rest. Although I did have papers and a final exam I should have made sure that I had enough sleep in order to properly function. I guess you can say that I have trouble making sure I rest up because of school. I know I should not make school an excuse to not sleep 6-8 hours an evening and unfortunately it happens. All the homework, assignments and studying for tests or finals. Regardless making sure you rest is highly recommended especially if you want to stay fit or just be healthy in general.

What I had found about resting and making sure I got 6-8 hours of sleep was that it provided more energy to get me through the day. It also made me feel well rested even after a long day of school, work, studying, working out, more studying and so on. It is very important that you get the right amount of sleep so you can feel well rested and have more energy for the next day. However, what I did not do was not sleep the recommended hours. I lacked sleep most days during the week where I found myself only sleeping 5 hours a night. It was bad. For myself, I found that when I have less sleep I become extremely tired, restless and lazy. I feel like I would want to stay in bed and sleep some more; I would not want to go to class or not do homework, etc. It was just plain out bad.

What I also found was I looked tired constantly. Mind you I still look tired now because I did not have much sleep. I ended having bags under my eyes, I haven’t shaved (looking like a caveman) and sometimes my eyes are dry and red. These results are not what I want for myself. I would rather sleep 6-8 hours so that I don’t look tired, I don’t get the bags under my eyes; not lazy or restless and just have healthy eyes. Having the lack of sleep also affected my workouts during the week. I remember during one of my push days I was bench pressing two plate (one on each side) of 35lbs and I wasn’t able to push through. What is even more embarrassing is that it was only a warm-up set. Although, I was still surprised that I was able to put in 5 days of gym time and got my workout sessions in, however I wasn’t able to push myself to my fullest extent. Nonetheless what counts is that I put in the time and was patient even if it was not the best workout.

I think what myself and everyone in general is to be able to put in time with whatever they need to do, whether it be more sleep, time with friends and family, work, school, studying, etc. make time to get some well deserved rest. What I do at times is I power nap if I wasn’t able to get 6-8 hours the night before. I know most aren’t able to power nap because of working during the day, however after work try taking a power nap for 10-15 minutes and you’ll feel a bit rejuvenated.

Being week 4 now what I’m going to be doing is that I need to sleep more than what I had done during last week. I need to have 6-8 hours of rest so that I’m able to workout better, be healthier as well as not look as tired as I am now. I encourage everyone to try getting some rest and well deserved sleep that you need so that you can feel rejuvenated and feel well rested and look fresh :)
By the way, I will be posting some progress pictures soon since it is going to be a month since I started this journey. I’m quite excited and nervous because I hardly took shirtless pictures before. So this would be a big step for me in showing my month progress.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Journey to Remember - Week 2

The second week of my journey wasn’t the ideal workout week I would expect it to be. Mind you I was able to still workout and keep track of my macros however, things got in the way; mostly school.

As I’m going through this journey, I am completing my Bachelor of Arts degree in English. A lot have been asking what I am going to be doing with my degree once I graduate and my answer is to be teaching as an ESL instructor. Typically I would like to teach overseas because I have been hearing a lot of great opportunities as well as awesome experiences that friends, or friends of friends have told me. Now with me embarking on my journey in becoming a bodybuilder I would not let go of this goal. As I have mentioned in a previous blog that I would continue on with becoming a bodybuilder and compete in the MABBA (Manitoba Amateur Bodybuilding Associate) Fall Classics in October. I would also make it a career out of it as well. Being both a bodybuilder as well as an ESL instructor would benefit me in both situations. Being a bodybuilder would not only maintain my fitness and completing my goal of competing, it would show the motivation and the dedication I put into working hard in maintaining a healthy life. With ESL, I would be able to help individuals with their english reading, writing and speaking skills in order for those individuals to become successful with the english language. Both would benefit from one another in a way where I would continue to be a motivator to others in either fitness or the English language as well as set up goals for those individuals who want to make a difference in their lives, whether it is learning ESL or having a healthier lifestyle. I would make sure that I would balance both careers along with my personal life as well.

Enough of my goals and busy life what did I do during week 2. Week 2, like I’ve said, wasn’t the best week I had. I did workout and kept track of my macros, but it could have been much better. I didn’t push myself to my fullest during my workout however, I was still able to workout 4 out of the 7 days, which is still good. Also with keeping track of my macros I tried to maintain myself food consumption, but there were some days that I went over my fats, carbs, or protein. Regardless of missing a day or going over the macros, I am still continuing to push myself more each time to make sure that I bulk lean properly according to Brian’s plan that he gave me. So I encourage you, keep going, don’t stop, and believe in yourself with whatever you’re doing. Each one of us are able to reach for the goals that we set. All we have to do is continue to work for it, be motivated and find your reason why you set these goals and how you’re going to achieve them.

We can do it!!